about us
In an ancient city with simplicity and sophistication, smelt of all the details of its quarters smell of flowers, from here was growing up 70 years ago, in 1945, when the ancestors of Fahhad family decided to present to the world its contents this city of originality and creativity.
Al Bait Al Dimashqi name is inspired by the home of the first grandfather Nazir Adeeb Fahhad and his career began here in this old house by mixing and distillation and combining the flowers and he kept working in this house until it become one of the historical monuments of the city of old Damascus where built within the old wall of Damascus, and here our name associated with environment has its roots originality to thousands of years ago inspired them to Tradition in everything we create to add to this world some unique piece of simplicity, tradition and luxury.
It is no secret of what the impact of roses and Damascene Jasmine, tulips, white roses, citrus, species, leather and wood on the perfume industry, and these basics are precisely what we’re using it over time, and in fact is the material of the most favorite perfume formulations to many as it is considered a natural ingredient-free of chemicals give the fragrance its continuity despite its expensive price.